Customer projects vary hugely in scale, dependant on task and operation. With concrete sleepers, their versatility, strength and low cost, and ability to be re-used, make them a solid option. Some uses for concrete sleepers include walls and cattle tracks, roadways, access and laydown areas.
Here is a customer who built a nice long cow track. Please note how they let the water from the ford run through.
Here is shown a roadway operation, giving a client solid operational access to areas that otherwise became impassable due to soil conditions and weather.
Use here of concrete sleeepers between RSJ’s gives a solid wall and thereby can also provide, additional strength when used in bays etc, as the concretes are reinforced and as a result, very hard-wearing.
Laydown areas can be created with the concretes, giving access, a solid hard working and wearing base, access and lift to materials and a flat level for fork use etc.
Undoubtedly, one of the biggest sellers is for cattle tracks, again offering access to areas where weather and soil, erosion by the cattle can offer extreme conditions and such usage not only helps tackle this, but also offers a gritty surface on which there is extra hold for the beasts.